Thursday, February 26, 2009

Like a rhinestone "cowgirl"......

I am taking just a bit of time off from Wedding blogging to post a few pics from Valentine's day......

Ashley and me

Jerome and Jake's mom, Dorya

Dorya and Jake
On Valentines Day Jake took me to a very romantic place....the PBR!!! What is the PBR you ask??? Well, it is the professional bull riding. Yes, that is where we spent our valentine's day. Jerome, Jake's mom's sweet boyfriend, is the production manager for the PBR and got us great seats...front row!! My friend Ashley and her friend Jason went with us. We had a blast!!! (Yes, that it is a pearl snap shirt Jake is wearing--check out the rhinestone sparkle shirts Ashley and I have on...we were going for cowgirl chic :)----hey, we tried??? :) )


SNM said...

I'll have to keep this guy in mind! Charlie is currently obsessed with PBR and "bucky bulls". We have the OKC one DVR's as well as many others. Hmmm, this boy may need some counseling!

Becki Francy said...

You crack me are so froofy...I just have never pictured you at a rodeo!